Thursday, January 21, 2010


There are so many "moments" that I think "I should write this down." Snapshots of life at different stages of development with my children.

I woke up at about 12:30 this morning. The light was on in the bathroom. I sat up and looked into our closet. There sat Carrera with a new package of cheese and a butter knife. She was trying very hard to open that cheese. - I have to pause here to mention that poor Colton and Calvin had me as a mother before I had much experience with kids, and I probably would have freaked out on them and put them back to bed. - I crawled into the closet with Carrera and gently asked her what she was up to, just starting a casual conversation really. Of course I knew exactly what she was up to. Carrera wakes up in the middle of the night asking for a snack on a regular basis, we put some crackers or cereal in a bag and she goes back to sleep. Its a comfort snack because she rarely actually eats it until morning (if even then). Well, she confided in me in the closet. "I want a snack mama" So I asked her if she would like some help. She conceded, gave me the cheese and the butter knife and we made our way to the kitchen where I opened the cheese, asked her how many slices she wanted (two). She ate one and the other one we put into a bag for later. She grabbed her water bottle (the kids each have their own in the fridge for constant supply of cold filtered water), and I put her on our floor with a pillow and blanket. She fell asleep. I can't fall asleep until I know she is asleep. I worry too much about the trouble she can get into. I remember the trouble Colton and Calvin got into while I would sleep during the day when I worked overnights. She woke up again at about 3 this morning. She was scared of something, so she crawled in bed with me and we both fell asleep together.


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