Calvin's Conversation
Calvin is such a joy to have as a child! After their bath today Calvin sat and talked with Carrera. He was telling her how he is bigger than her, but that someday she will be bigger. And he was telling her that when she gets bigger she will get to talk! Calvin loves to have conversations and he is VERY excited for the day that Carrera can sit and talk with him over "coffee." He is always telling Carrera how he loves her and how pretty she is. Today he kept commenting on her "(s)parkly" shirt. He wants to be bigger so that he can bring her grocery shopping with him. In a couple of years Calvin will be our chef. Shane and I both hate to cook, but Calvin always wants to bake and cook. He spouts about cooking all sorts of things and then says "Wanna do that momma?" pause "right now!?" Picture: Calvin having "coffee" (hot chocolate) with mom.
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