Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday-ed out!

Wow, I really do get holiday-ed out. I have been an emotional wreck ever since Christmas. Poor Shane. I hope that I can recover over the weekend. I really am an introvert. I have mild anxiety and I can get really overwhelmed when I spend too much time with people or get behind/unorganized. Fortunately I got all my returns done today and I have started to organize all the kids' new toys and fit them into the toy room. I have three bags of toys for Goodwill. It is hard to get rid of toys that the kids do play with. It is just that we don't have room for them all. Maybe if we turned our entire house into a playroom!

My new life changing "idea" is to start getting up earlier. I am so tired at night and don't have the energy to get things done. I used to be a night person and I could stay up late and get things done when Shane was working or in bed. I can't do that anymore. I am wiped by 9 p.m. So I am going to start getting up two hours earlier in the morning (5:30 a.m.). I am starting out with one hour (6:30 a.m.). This way I can get everything done before the kids even wake up. Then I can relax and be lazy in the evenings when I am tired and feel like sitting around and reading. I'll let you know how it goes :).

Kid Update: Carrera took her first step on the 22nd!! Calvin got his laptop that he wanted and Colton got a Vikings jersey and helmet for Christmas!


Blogger The Jones Family said...

Thanks for sending the picture of your family! It's so fun to see how your kids have grown! Hope you're settling in to the new year. Good effort to get up earlier. I'm working on that... it's just that we live and work on more of a college student schedule than a "normal adult" schedule. Oh well, anyway, Happy New Year!

11:17 AM  

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