Thursday, November 02, 2006

All in a day

So, I do this thing. It's like I don't want to go to bed. I always distract myself and then all of a sudden it is 1 or 2 in the morning. My intentions are good. I was thinking "I should go down to the office and get some sh*t done." Well, here I am perusing though blogs on MySpace. I found a whole group of friends that are SO interesting, and I am lost in blogs about religions and mathematics and tubas. Am I really so bored/lonely that I have to read blogs of people I don't even know to feel connected to the outside world! I have TONS of things that I should be doing. I could be listing things on eBay and making some money (something that I am not doing right now since I quit Target and haven't got any daycare kids yet), or I could be getting my daycare stuff organized. I have a toyroom that needs painting, two loads of laundry to fold (I did fold about seven yesterday), and three more to wash. I could read a book, something that I have been wanting to do, or hang some pictures back up on the walls that I took down when we thought we were moving. Oh, and I still have all the Halloween decorations up. No, I am sitting here on the computer, so conveniently placed in the "office," reading blogs.

Tonight I went shopping with my close friend, Maggie. She is one of the REALest people I know. It is so nice to feel so comfortable with someone. We can be dark and a little wacky and its okay because we are both kinda weird. So, we went shopping because I REALLY need some clothes. Most of my clothes are really old, really stained, have holes, and are too big or too small. Its funny how once you become a mother you quit buying clothes for yourself. I bought two shirts at Target and then I was done. I have such a hard time committing to a piece of clothing. I think I need to take a trip to Goodwill or Savers. It is easier to buy already used clothing for some reason. It almost feels like I am adopting it and giving it a good home. I can make the oddest piece of clothing, the most rejected item at the thrift store look marvelous. Most of my best outfits are thrift store outfits. I wish that I still had some of the clothes that I had in college. I had some great thrift items in college that I gave away when I went off to bible school. Ahhh, bible school. Those were the days. I had some horrible clothes at Bible school. Well, it was fun to get out and shop with Maggie. She is tall and has some of the same problems that I have in buying clothing. We had a few laughs at how medium shirts are made for B cups and large shirts are made for C cups. If your chest is too small, then the shirt hangs in the front funny. If you are too large... Well, its not a pretty sight, although quite funny.

Shane has off tomorrow and we are going to go on a date! I am SO excited! I'm not sure where we are going to go or what we are going to do. I do know that we need to go and look at microwaves. I want a microwave that hangs over our stove for Christmas. I'm slowly making our house exactly the way I want it. I hope that we stay here for a long time because I really don't want to make this house into my dream home and then leave. Besides, we live in a great neighborhood.

It's almost 1 a.m. Gotta get to bed. Maybe I will get some stuff done tomorrow. I think that sometimes I give myself too much of a hard time. I really do spend my days doing a lot. I take care of my three kids, make meals, do dishes, sort the mail, pick up toys, do laundry, etc. I just think that I want to get more done in a day than is possible. Goodnight!


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