The God Delusion

So I've been reading this book The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Shane checked it out from work. It's been causing me to do a lot of thinking. In the past five or six years I have shifted from Christian to agnostic to pantheist to agnostic to Christian. I think that I may have said that I was an atheist about two or three times, but then sunk back into agnosticism or Christianity. Sometimes I just claim to be a spiritual person, whatever that means. The whole god thing has been a challenge and consumes my thoughts on a regular basis. I'm not sure if it is an intellectual battle or emotional. Probably a combination of the two. I really think that many Christians are mean hypocritical snobs* (Ouch! That comment may come back to haunt me). I'm not saying that I am by any means any better of a person. Any of you who know my dark side know that I am no angel. I just don't think that Christianity has any positive effect on most people's character. Intellectually Christianity and god are really improbable. I think prayer doesn't work and prophesy is a hoax (although I still pray quite frequently out of habit and/or hope). I have a stronger belief in astrology and palm reading than I do in prophesy (Shane will think that comment amusing because he makes fun of me and Gin for studying astrology), but I don't think anyone can foresee the future! Emotionally, I've been burned by many Christians. I am constantly asking myself if I doubt God because of intellectual reasons or the experiences I've had with religious people. I don't want to give up Christianity because it is my heritage, yet I'm sick of lying to myself and to others about what I truly believe. I am afraid of losing friends/family. It would be less of an offense to tell my family that I am homosexual (although I am not) than it would be to tell them that I don't believe in god. Note: I am not committing to unbelief, although even considering it may cause an uproar. ...More thoughts to come. I need to get to bed.
*I have met a few Christians that cause me to reconsider this comment. My friends Maggie, Michele, Neesha, Misty, and Clinton are a few. I trust that my family, even when hurtful, have good intentions.
Well, at least I know my Astrological sign! :P
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