Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Child

Yesterday I was on a high and today I am stressed. I have one child lined up to start daycare at the end of November and possibly one at the end of December. Financially we really need to have kids NOW, but life takes its own time. I will feel less stressed once I have a running daycare.

On a better note, I really feel like I have been keeping up with everything around the house. I even painted the toyroom this past weekend. That is something that I have been wanting to do for a LONG time. My house is pretty organized and I think I am a better mom when I don't feel like I am behind on everything. I am hoping that tonight I can list some stuff on eBay because Shane works until 11:30 p.m. Colton and Calvin go to bed at 8:00 p.m., so if Carrera is mellow or sleeping I should have a nice chunk of me time. Maybe I'll even get the chance to take a bath!

I haven't had much thinking time in the last two days. I did get to go vote today though. We have made it a family tradition to all go vote together as a family. It can be a pain to pack up the kids, but we want them to get in the habit young. I want to raise good voters (I just laughed outloud at myself).

My kids are screaming upstairs. I need to check up on them.


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