Saturday, January 13, 2007

Calvin is sick.

So I was on the computer at 9:00 p.m. researching potty training information and nursing Carrera when I hear a cry and barfing sounds coming from Colton and Calvin's bedroom. It was Calvin, sleeping in Colton's bed as usual, and he threw up all over Colton's bed and it trickled down to the bottom bunk (Calvin's bed) and the floor. So I had to lay Carrera down, remove Colton from his bed, clean up Calvin, change Colton's sheets and get him a new pillow. This whole time Calvin is screaming because he just threw up, Colton is screaming because he wants to go back to sleep in his bed, and Carrera is screaming because she is still hungry. A half hour later Colton is in a clean bed, Calvin is sleeping on the family room floor and I fed Carrera. Of course Calvin woke up and threw up again. So now it is almost midnight and I am waiting for the first load of laundry to get done so I can throw in the rest of the pukey bedding. Calvin is asleep on the floor upstairs in the living room, and Shane and Carrera are asleep as well. Needless to say I didn't get the few things done that I wanted to get done tonight. I have some daycare computer work I have to get done this weekend and I want to sort through Colton and Calvin's clothes because they just had another growth spurt. Speaking of growth, Carrera just had her four month checkup. She is in the 90-95% for weight and head size, but off the chart for her height. She is a little over 17 lbs., and 28 inches long.... WOW! My mom volunteered to sew her some clothes for me because I don't have very many winter 12 month clothes. Colton and Calvin wore 12 month stuff in the summer and we have only received/bought summer 12 month clothes. My little princess :).


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