Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Empty Slot

So, my filled slot is empty again. I had an interview last Wednesday with a couple who have an 11 week old boy. They called me on Thursday and said that they wanted my open spot. Then on Friday I had an interview with another couple who have a three month old girl. They also wanted my open slot. Well I felt more connection with the second couple and had reservations about the first, so I called the boy's parents and told them that I had someone else that was interested that would work out better with my schedule (which is true). Then on Monday I got a call from the baby girl's parents saying that their daycare lady had gotten back together with her boyfriend and was not going to quit doing daycare so they are going to continue to go to her. I found it funny because I'm not sure I would trust someone to not split up again and quit doing daycare at a later date. Well, as they say, bygones... So, I am back to square one. As of Monday I will be one child short and a little tighter on the finances. I also will be done by 3:30 p.m. every day and I am so excited!!


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