Saturday, August 04, 2007

Kids Cope

I got an e-mail that was sent to all child care providers about the bridge collapsing and how to help your kids cope. It really angered me.

QUOTE: Preschoolers through age 5 may have seen reports on the news. Begin by saying, "That looks pretty scary, doesn't it? What do you think about it?"
By Rose Allen, University of Minnesota Extension. Rose Allen is a family relations educator with University of Minnesota Extension.

As a parent of preschoolers and a child care provider I would NEVER begin a sentence with "That looks pretty scary" unless they are OBVIOUSLY scared. I asked my kids what they thought/felt and they said "That's cool." It awed them and it should. A bridge collapsing is AWING and for them, not scary at all!! We did talk about people being hurt and going to the hospital. Especially since they showed unconscious people on the television and a little blood. But, as almost five year olds, they think about it for four minutes and then run off and play Ninja Turtles. They probably will bring it up again and ask about the people that were hurt, esp. Calvin. He remembers everything and brings things up months later. In reality we watched maybe five minutes of the news when they were awake and don't talk about it much in front of them. It is not important to make a big deal out of something that isn't a big deal for them, and especially not scare them when they have enough fears - like of monsters in the dark.


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