Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year 2008!

Yuck! We all five got the flu on New Years Day. How lucky is that! I hope that isn't any indication of how our year will be!

We have been busy trying to organize after the Christmas Chaos. I have come to the realization that we will never be able to afford a bigger house and so we just need to get rid of some clutter. Shane and I have been getting rid of stuff that we don't need or use. If only we could get rid of some of the kids... toys ;).

I am really excited about this new year. I've exited the last one extremely happy and content with my life - no longer wishing that I was somewhere else, or was someone else. It is a really good feeling stepping into my own skin and owning it. If you don't understand what that means, well then you probably don't know me.

Hope you all feel just as wonderful entering this new year!


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