Monday, November 20, 2006


Layers. Layers upon layers upon layers. How are we made? From the inside out, layer upon layer? Like an onion (Shrek)? I feel that the more layers that are pulled off of me, the more people don't like me. Or maybe I just think that they don't like me. I am so worried that I will offend someone, yet I want to be able to speak what I really feel. I use humor too often to hide. I also don't say what I mean. I say things to get a reaction and when I don't get the reaction that I expect then I clam up or feel horribly stupid. Layers. Layers upon layers upon layers. I don't want to lose friends. I hold on so tightly, but I never let anyone know how tightly I hold on. I feel like the layers are being striped off even if I don't want them to be. Its like an open wound. I want to cling to something, but what to? I reach out to hold on to something, but nothing is there. It is just me in empty space. And layers upon layers upon layers are being striped away.


Blogger ~Alicia said...

Hey girl :) I wasn't sure this was you at first after you left that msg on my post, but yeah, it is you!

Layers.. I like the concept- awhile ago God showed me being opened with layers being pulled off of me a little at a time, like an onion, just as u said.. we should talk lol- too much to think about at this time of the morning!

A thought that came to mind as I was glancing through your post- maybe it's not that others like you less as more layers come off, but that you like yourself less? :) *Hugs*

Hope all is well for you too! I am good :)

Holla again on el blog-o!


7:25 AM  
Blogger ~Alicia said...

PS.. I don't know WHY you wouldn't like yourself! :) You are an incredible woman


10:45 PM  

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