Monday, May 07, 2007

Raw Food

So, I am starting a new diet. Which really is a horrible word to use. When you think of a diet you probably think about trying to lose weight or some fad. I have never been a dieter and I never will be. Actually I am copying my best friend, Virginia. She has been on a raw food diet for I think three years. Sometimes she is more strict than other times, but she told me that she has so much energy when she eats mainly raw food. RAW FOOD: Anything that has not been cooked over 105 degrees (I guess this is debatable, but for my purposes, that is enough explanation). This does NOT mean I eat raw meat. It is a vegan diet consisting of mainly fruits, vegetables, and nuts/seeds. Anyway, I am eating about 70% raw food now. I do have a little of what Shane is eating during the meal when he is home. So, for example, for lunch today I made soup and grilled cheese for the kids (they also had grapes and milk) and for Shane. So I had a huge spinach salad with carrots, celery, sunflower seeds and salad dressing (that I made out of totally raw foods), BUT I also had about a half of a grilled cheese sandwich and a couple of black olives and croutons on my salad. I must say that I am really enjoying this diet (or should I call it a lifestyle). I am now vegetarian, but I still will eat eggs and a little cheese and milk, so I am not a vegan (yet). I think Shane is very happy about it. He is a vegetarian and it will be nice to share the same philosophy about animals. This has really been a long time coming. So, like most things in life, my philosophy is EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, and this also applies to my raw food diet. Although it does not apply to eating meat. I really want to never eat meat again. And on that note, have you ever looked a pig in the eyes? Shane's sister, Mary, has a hobby farm. She has potbellied pigs and they are so funny. They just had four new babies and Colton and Calvin get to name one and it will be their pet away from home. Anyway, pigs have human eyes. It is really very freaky!!


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