Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two Year Olds.

Carrera is two and a half, and deep into the adventurous twos, curious twos, defiant twos... Lets just say there is all out war in our home. It really doesn't help that I am a Taurus, and not only hard to manipulate, but determined to be be top dog in our house. Carrera is just like me and also determined to be top dog. I slept on the couch last night. Guess who got my place in bed? Carrera. But she is NOT going to win.

Warning: You may find some of this funny.

She started her twos out by a habit of reaching into her poopy diapers and smearing poop all over toys and walls. We eventually solved that by putting her into bodysuits that snap in the crotch. Because she is as big as a three year old they were a little tight and now has outgrown them. She also has outgrown the poop smearing stage. Thank the gods!!

She is now in a steal pen and write on everything stage. She has always liked to draw on herself, but now that she is getting older, she can move chairs and climb up onto things to get markers and pens. It took me well over 10 coats of paint to cover up her wall artwork in November and just this past week she drew over the same spot. I was livid.

She spent most of yesterday screaming at me. Mostly because I wouldn't let her push and steal toys from other kids, ruin our photo albums, and play with pens. She did manage to draw all over one of my magazines.

Carrera now has a toddler bed and can climb out of a Pack 'n Play. She also is learning how to open doors, which means bad news. She is in the process of dropping her nap. Although she likes to go into her room at nap time and wake up all the kids sleeping in there (three of them to be exact). If she does nap, she is up until midnight. Shane and I like to go to bed around nine. She refuses to sleep in her room, so she sleeps in our room. Which leads to why I slept on the couch last night. Carrera napped yesterday, yet she went to bed with us last night at nine. Boy was she loud playing with toys in the Pack 'n Play in our room, but I feel asleep. At shortly before midnight I woke up because the bathroom light was on. I thought it was one of the boys because Shane was fast asleep next to me. So I got up to check. Carrera was standing next to the toilet. It was full of toilet paper. She had taken out the towels and strewn them all over the bathroom. So I firmly told her to get to bed. She bawled, typical tactic to wake daddy who will take her side. So she climbed in bed with Shane and fell asleep. I cleaned up the bathroom, and ended up on the couch. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in our bed with her. She ends up sideways in bed. I'm tempted to lock her in her room tonight. Or maybe, more realistically, I could sleep in HER room until she falls asleep. One thing I know for sure: NO MORE NAPS!!

I had forgotten about the twos.

Later: Of course I wrote this in the early am. At breakfast time Carrera gave me Eskimo kisses and kept telling me how much she loves me. I wouldn't trade this age for any other... I think.


Blogger ~Alicia said...

Haha- I love this post. What a great picture of a two-year old for me to understand! I can only imagine my kids someday.. I'll be calling you for help, advice, prayer, laughter, bailing-me-out... who knows hahaaaaaa!

12:54 AM  

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