Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Monday.

It's a Monday. The daycare kids always have a tough time on Mondays. They spend the weekends being coddled by their parents and following different rules, then Mondays it is back to my rules. By Tuesday they are all usually back in the groove.

I got our taxes done and I'm keeping up with homework. My greatest flaw is that I see any loss of points on homework as complete failure. I am getting all As right now although I'm barely pulling them. One slip up and I'll have a B. Perhaps I'll feel relief at that first B. Maybe I will be able to breathe again and realise that it isn't failure, just average. It's ok to be average. Right?

Well, today during nap time I finished up a few phone calls I've been putting on hold, and now I am going to study for a little while. I have three tests in a week and a half. I also have a paper due Friday. I'm not feeling the slight bit stressed though. I have adequate time to study and to finish the paper. Besides, my 'to do' list only consists of homework right now.

Shane is home sick today with a nasty cold. I'm fighting one too.

We had a great weekend. The whole house is clean and picked up. We had a playdate on Saturday and took the kids to see the new Percy Jackson movie on Sunday. Colton and Calvin have tutoring tonight.

Ta da! There is my boring, uneventful life in a nutshell.


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