Friday, April 16, 2010

My WHOs.

What really matters? What really matters RIGHT NOW? Not my driveway or my arms that I am currently insecure about or whether or not I will get up in the morning on time or how I feel about turning 30 or what grades I will get this semester. I am alive... that is pretty damn special in and of itself. I have people that love me and care about me in my life. I have ten kids that love me and depend on me to support them, at least part of the time. Why am I here on this earth? Is there a why? Do I even need to ask or to answer that one. I'm feeling that "hut" feeling. Every so often I get all "What is the meaning?" and think "Life would be better if I lived in a hut." Meaning, I wish that I wasn't boggled down with all the American materialism crap. Do I really care about WHAT I have? Isn't WHO I have more important. And I have my WHOs.


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