Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I wonder often if other people like their lives, their jobs, their kids, their homes. I love my life, my job, my kids and my home. I love my family, my friends, my church, my lifestyle, my patio table that I am sitting at, the two year old asleep on my lap, the sound of all the kids playing, the shade from the umbrella, the breeze, my mug of coffee.
Present moment. I love living in this moment, unattached to future, setting free the past. I choose to not let the past keep me tied up. I choose to let the future be elusive in my mind. ...ok, that part is harder. Honestly, it is hard to be unattached to future. It is hard to say to myself that I can BE HERE NOW, and not think too much about what I will be doing a year or two from now. But I really can't know where I will be a year or two from now. What a great time in life to learn about being present in the moment. This is all I am certain of, all I have is NOW.


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