Saturday, March 03, 2012


For years I was told that there was something wrong with me because I didn't believe Shane loved me.

Shoveling is a great time to think. I spent the last 45 minutes shoveling and thinking about the past and how it contrasts to the now.

My boyfriend/lover/"soon to be" fiancé (I hope), David, dropped off a "Grande Coffee Frappucino with whip" a few minutes before I left for work last night. My favorite drink! Not because he expected to get laid (he gets that whenever he wants) and not to prove a point (that isn't his character), but simply because he loves me. Simply because. No prodding from me. No pressure to perform. Simply because (tears).

I was married for NINE years to someone who STILL doesn't know my favorite coffee drinks. Someone who had to be prodded to even pick up milk on his way home from work. Someone who as a last ditch effort, after staying with his girlfriend and then wanting me back, brought me PINK ugly flowers.

David knows my favorite flower. David makes it a priority to know everything about me. David loves me. And I KNOW it. There is nothing wrong with me. I can feel love. I know love when I see it.

I am so blessed.


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