Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Shane got home last night close to eleven and held me and told me all kinds of great comforting things. He has this great way of seeing everything from different angles. Basically his point was: if you regret a choice there is no need to stress over it, it will make future choices easier to make. And he is right. I never remember my mother defending me as a child and have always vowed that I would stand up for my kids. I am treading on new ground. I don't know how to defend them because I've never seen it done. Any time that I have defended them I've had anxiety/panic attacks (like last night) and can't sleep or function very well. The last thing I remember thinking before I fell asleep is "She defended her harassing my kids." I am a pretty communicative person and very good at talking about things calmly and rationally. My goal was to come to some kind of understanding with my neighbor about our boundaries and how she treats my kids while on our property and city property (the cul-de-sac), but there was no reciprocation or desire for communication on her part. All she did was defend herself and put the blame on me. Calling the police may have been a little extreme, but I don't think it was a wrong choice. Next time I may wait until I am a little calmer - or maybe not.


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