Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Early Bird

Shane is watching a robin outside the window catching worms. He is so funny! He doesn't want to mow the lawn because he thinks it will make it harder for the robin to get to the worms. This is because my theory is: longer grass keeps the ground damper and damper soil causes worms to come closer to the surface. It is probably all bull. I mean, what do I know about birds. We do have a robin's nest in the tree in our back yard. It has two eggs. The kids want to look at it ALL the time.

Calvin is sick. He has had a really high fever and threw up this morning. I am not sure if any of my daycare kids are going to come today. One isn't coming for sure. Her parents want to make sure she doesn't get sick. The other one that is supposed to come today was only going to come for a few hours because her mom has off from work, but has some things to do today. I am waiting for her to call me. And I was also supposed to watch my sister's kids today, but I am pretty sure that they aren't going to come. So, I am going to take advantage of the opportunity and get some things done around my house, like finishing projects and such.

I am taking a motorcycle safety class. The way the class works is, #1 get your permit, #2 take the class, and if you pass you automatically get your motorcycle endorsement/license (it isn't the same in all states). On Monday we had four and a half hours of classroom instruction. Then last night we had three and a half hours on the bike instruction. It was SO much fun! I am going to hopefully get a bike (250cc) when the class is over. We thought about going to look for bikes tonight, but it depends on how Calvin is feeling. I have class on next Monday and Wednesday night as well, and we have our test on Wednesday in class. Most people pass, and I am one of the better drivers in my class (as far as I can tell), so I am not worried about passing. Soon I will be a motorcycle babe (or motorcycle bitch - whichever you prefer). No more riding behind Shane!! (Just kidding honey, I LOVE to be behind you!)

I switched Carrera to cloth diapers. I LOVE it! Not only is it A) less expensive than disposable, B) WAY better to the environment/mother earth (love the earth people!!), but it also is not much more work than disposables! I can't see why ANYONE would want to use disposables after trying cloth (unless you don't have a clothes washer/dryer). Shane hates them, but he tolerates it for me. He hates anything unfamiliar. I would like to eliminate wipes as well, but with daycare that would be a very hard transition, and a little investment. I try to use as few wipes as I can though.

Colton and Calvin are going to continue on in karate. The community ed class ended and the instructor is going to start a class for the kids that attended the community ed class. It will be at the same time, a little more costly, but we wanted to put the boys in some kind of physical activity/sport and they LOVE it. I think that Calvin likes it more than Colton, but part of that is personality. Colton is really starting to break out of his shell. We went to a speech therapist and I think that helped some and we have been encouraging him to talk more. His verbal skills are really expanding!

Well, Shane is finishing up mowing the lawn and I finally got a call from my last daycare kid. She is coming today, I am going to get a few things done before she gets here. Thanks for reading my blog! I LOVE comments (hint)!!


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