Monday, April 06, 2009

Hiatus. (a.k.a. Lack of sleep and too much coffee)

My best friend is on hiatus. At least that is what her Facebook status says. I'm really not sure what it means. All I know is what I see (or don't see, which is her) and what I feel. I'm not going to tell you exactly what I feel on here, but it varies from understanding to hurt and back again. I will tell you that having a break from someone that I feel is so interconnected with who I am has been really nourishing. Unexpected, I KNOW! A break... just that word has so much meaning right now. BREAK. I have been in the process of breaking free from others expectations of me, breaking free from myself. There is something I need that I don't have: discipline. To be more specific, SELF discipline. Maybe this hiatus is a good thing. When I want to call her, I just don't. I'm giving her the space she needs or thinks she needs. So that means that I am getting a little space too. A little space that I didn't ask for, but is helping me find who I am now and what I want now. I want the self control to not eat all day long. I want the self control to walk away from Facebook and read to my kids (ouch). I want the self control not to lose my temper at 7:30 p.m. when my buttons have been pushed all day and all I want is a long massage and an orgasm, but my daughter is refusing to go to bed. (My cup o' coffee just ran dry. Drat!) I want to be able to walk away from a pile of dirty dishes, forget about making the bed, and just BE for awhile. I want to be quiet, be in the quiet, hear the quiet. I want to wander with no destination. Does that sound like a vacation (or a hiatus)? But this peace has to be possible here and now. I know that the answer comes in mindfulness, in the choices I make every second of every day. I may have been a little moody tonight, but that doesn't mean that tomorrow will be the same. My cup runneth over. I don't have to be spent at the end of the day, do I? I've always been fairly easily swayed by my emotions and by others emotions. This makes a perfect bed for drama to be planted and flourish, and indecisiveness. I hate drama! What I need is a planting of myself, a solidifying (ooh, that word again). Everything is a choice. Make a choice. Stick to the choice. What is my priority? Our priorities are what we spend our time doing. What do I spend my spare time doing? (I will not answer that for you all to ridicule me) I don't spend my time doing what I really want to do. Perhaps that is my question on this hiatus: Am I really living my priorities? (I should have titled this post 'Lack of sleep and too much coffee') I must go to bed.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love you honey!

2:02 PM  

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