Friday, March 20, 2009

Little Table.

So I'm sitting a the little table in the toy room. Three little girls have their laptops out too, and Carrera wanted me to join them. Of course I set theirs up so they can type, but they pound on the keyboards and end up changing the settings and turning the computer off, so I am spending most of my time turning them back on. Grandma picked up four of these little toy laptops on clearance at JCPenneys two Christmases ago. At first I thought it was completely excessive. Calvin already had one, so that made five computers. How are we going to use FIVE toy computers. Well, right about now I'm glad that we have three of them. Plus Calvin's is nicer so his is off limits. Soon I'm sure I'll have a fourth little kid ready to sit at the table with a laptop. That will mean that they will be kicking me off. I can hear it already "Only room for four, mom." But, for now, I'm included.


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