Monday, March 12, 2007

March Update

I have been feeling so at peace. Daycare has a nice flow and I have found a balance between housework, wife-work, mothering and taking care of myself. I finished reading The God Delusion (finally), and am now reading Why I Am Not A Christian (Bertrand Russell). This should be a quick read. I picked up The Origin of Species (Darwin) and The Selfish Gene (Dawkins) at Barnes & Noble last week. I am interested in learning more about evolution. I am becoming very serious about getting my B.S. in science to teach. I am not sure if I want my emphasis to be physics or biology. I might just take some of the core classes and then figure it out.

Shane and I went on a wonderful date last week. Our favorite restaurant is House of Pizza in Sartell. It is never super busy, the service is great and so is the food, and the atmosphere is perfect for good conversation.

Colton and Calvin are growing up so fast, and so is Carrera. Her 6 month birthday flew by us. Which also makes Colton and Calvin 4 and a HALF. They are both very smart. They are starting to recognize letters and want to point out letters that they know everywhere we go. They are typical boys and pretend they are Power Rangers and Jedi on a regular basis. Of course they still love to cuddle. Carrera can sit up now and we are nervous for her to start crawling. She is curious about anything adults do that she can't. She is always trying to grab my books, food, etc. She is a little giggler. She is a very happy baby and gets plenty of attention from her brothers.

More later...