Friday, December 29, 2006

Ice Age

For Christmas Shane's mom gave Colton or (and) Calvin the DVD Ice Age 2: The Meltdown. I LOVE this movie (we saw it in the theater and Calvin sat on the floor through most of it). There are so many great quotes! We just watched the part when Manny the Mammoth tells Ellie (female mammoth) that she is attractive.
Ellie: "Really? What about me is attractive?"
Manny "Um, well, ...your butt."
Ellie: "What about my butt?"
Manny: "It's big"
Ellie: "Really?"
Manny: "Its the biggest butt I've ever seen."

Or the part where Sid says "She's loads of fun and you're no fun at all. She completes you." (I may not have the quotes perfectly accurate, but they are pretty damn close.) I laugh outloud when I watch that movie. One of my resolutions for the new year is to laugh more.

Every year I make ten resolutions and I accomplish seven out of ten (unconsciously at times). It was true this year again. I went back and read my journal from January 2006 and I accomplished seven out of ten of last years resolutions. I already wrote my resolutions for 2007. I am really excited for a new year; more excited than usual.

I need to put Colton and Calvin to bed. They are getting really obnoxious.


I have started at least two blogs in the last two weeks that never were posted because I haven't had the time to finish them. Christmas time is crazy and I am glad that it is finally over. Ok, I shouldn't really say it that way. I had a ton of fun seeing family! I LOVE getting together and talking with everyone in my family and in Shane's family. I only got really pissed off once and that was with one of Shane's family members (never gone tell, so don't ask). Our kids got some really fun toys and games. I am excited to play the games with them this weekend! I am also excited to take down all the Christmas stuff. I love the decorations, but they take up a lot of space and I am ready to have the space back.

My favorite gifts were two shirts that Shane gave me. One is a Suicide Girls shirt and the other a green cardigan. I love layering! I also got a sweet bracelet from my sister Debbie. And the Sarah McLaughlin Christmas CD from my friend Maggie. (I got tons of other stuff too, but I am not going to list it all and bore you!)

Our talent show was great! Shane read some Christmas books and it was hilarious. Over and over again I realize why I married him and am reassured that I want to spend my life with him. I haven't finished my pillow. I was almost done by the 22nd when we got together so I brought it along and shared it with everyone, but I need to sew on one more leaf and sew the edges of the pillow together. A bunch of people sang, Deb recited a poem and my dad taught us about flint guns. My mom brought some stuff from her treasure box and shared a little about them. And Carrera pooped though her great outfit and had to wear an old pink sleeper. Of course she looked absolutely adorable in it!

Tomorrow I hope to finish my pillow and then I am going to sew a valance for Carrera's bedroom. I'll post picture of her room once I am done too. I have to finish painting it. I should be able to do that now that Christmas is over and I'll have some time. I have a list of projects a mile long that I need to do!

I saw my sister Mary yesterday. She stopped by and gave me some Daisy Blue natural products. I LOVE them! I took a bath last night and used Peaceful Nights soap. It was a great night. I listened to Sarah McLaughlin (Mirrorball) during my bath. Then when Carrera woke up we hung out on my bed until Shane came home. I love her so much! She just found her feet a few days ago and tonight I was teaching her to suck on her toes.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


I was at a birthday party not too long ago with a bunch of skinny girls. I came to the conclusion that if I have to pass up birthday cake to be skinny, then I don't really want to be skinny.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Rolled Over

Carrera rolled over today for the first time at 2:22 p.m.!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I have forbidden myself from buying any more Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups. I have this addiction to chocolate. Once I start I cannot stop. What adds to the fire is that I get depressed when I eat chocolate, and I crave more to battle feeling depressed. Argh! I have no self control. If there is chocolate, I will eat it.

It seems like I just sit down to the computer and something happens to stop me from posting or checking my E-mail. Carrera just had a HUGE poop and I had to change her. Now she needs to eat. Post again later.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Well, today was a little better than yesterday. I was very patient and played with all the kids. Calvin was a very good kid today and that's always reassuring. Sometimes with little kids that are always being naughty we, as parents, blame ourselves. Really it is just kids being kids. Colton and I cuddled for awhile on the couch after lunch today. He really needs attention, but doesn't make it happen the way that Calvin can. I was glad when the work day ended. I really look forward to the weekends when I can relax and focus on Shane and my own kids.

Tonight I went to a Daisy Blue party. For any of you who don't know what Daisy Blue is, Daisy Blue Naturals sells all natural body products (i.e. lotion, shampoo, soap, etc.) and some home cleaning products (i.e. laundry soap). I am really excited to try out the products. My sister Mary has been using them for awhile. I've been thinking about possibly selling the products. I wouldn't do parties though. I LOVE Mary Kay products, but I don't always feel like I am helping people when I sell them. Daisy Blue makes products that are really good for the body, and not harmful. They would be beneficial to anyone. Check it out: I love doing daycare because I feel like I am doing a job that is needed and I am making a difference in kids lives. I've learned that I don't feel motivated unless I feel like I am doing something that is worthwhile in the long run. That is one of the reasons I wanted to stay home with my kids. I want to be here with them in the most crucial stages of their development and enjoy them as they learn and grow. I love being a mother!

I am excited for Christmas. I have most of my shopping done. I still haven't gotten anything for Shane. He is hard to buy for. My family doesn't exchange presents at Christmas time. Last year and this year we had a "talent" show. We all have to share something. It can be a presentation of music, poetry, etc. or it can be something that we make. This year I am going to sew a decorative pillow. My only problem is that I don't have a sewing machine "sew" I have to go over to my mom's to make it. I also still need to go buy the fabric. I do have an idea in my head of what I am going to do. When it is finished I will post pictures :). Last year I wrote a poem and read it for my talent. Colton and Calvin need to present something too. I am not sure what they are going to do. Maybe this year they can sing a song. Last year Calvin drew a picture and Colton demonstrated Star Wars moves with his light saber. He was a little shy so the moves weren't as good as he usually does. This year he is really into Power Rangers and he does "Boo-ya" moves all the time. He calls it "playing boo-ya." At first I didn't know what he was talking about. He explained by thrusting the heel of his hand out at me and screaming "boo-YA!" It was quite humorous. I don't let them play boo-ya very often because someone always gets hurt. Shane did a drum solo last year. My mom really enjoyed it and told him that he should do one again this year. I told him that he could probably do the exact same one and no one would notice :). I really enjoy his drum solos too! I wish that he would play his drums more. I also wish that I had a sewing machine. I want a good one though, so I am going to wait until I have the money for a nice one. It is on my "Expensive Wish List" along with new tiles in the upstairs bath, cabinets in the downstairs bath, a lap top and a Kirby vacuum cleaner. The list is a little longer, but I don't remember all that is on it (it must not be all that important to me if I can't remember it all). What do you want for Christmas?

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Calvin crawled in bed with Colton again. They look so peaceful when they are sleeping. Sigh. I am ready for the weekend. I need to catch up on some sleep and some stuff around the house. I wasn't a very good mom today. Colton told me tonight that he had fun at daddy's work, but he didn't like it when I got angry. It was a long day and I wasn't very patient with him tonight. I forget sometimes that he is four and doesn't see what life is like through my eyes. He doesn't understand why it frustrates me when he wants me to carry his coat when I have my purse and Carrera. He doesn't understand why I get frustrated when he takes his gloves off then complains that his fingers are cold. We played Bratz dolls tonight. It was really fun for the boys and it was for me too. I hope that they have good memories of me playing with them and not memories of me being angry

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Five Hours

Less than five hours... It is the amount of sleep I got last night. I couldn't fall asleep until after midnight, Carrera woke up at 1:30 a.m. to eat, and Calvin woke me up at 3:00 a.m. because he peed in his bed. Thank God I am really patient when I am half asleep! I got up at 5:00 a.m. and rested for about an hour between 6:00 and 8:00 a.m. I am doing okay though. Today we are getting Carrera's pictures taken. I am really excited! I have been doing some shopping and selling on eBay. I feel really good when I am getting things done! I need to get some of this junk out of my "office."

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Sisters

This is the background on my computer right now.
I love my sisters! It was so fun to see them all on Thanksgiving!

Monday, December 04, 2006


Wow, this time of year is so crazy with the holidays. Add in a baby, twin four year olds and a new career. The result is very little time to be on the computer, or really do anything other than what is necessary. My house is very neat and clean right now, and that is rewarding (note: a clean house is a prerequisite for a successful daycare). I am very happy, but very busy. Every so often I have a deep thought, but most of my thoughts are "When was the last time I changed diapers?" or "Is it snack time already!?" I am only getting 5-7 hours of sleep a day, but it is good for me because I get depressed with too much sleep. I've started drinking coffee at least four days a week at home. I always said that I wouldn't do that because I didn't want to be addicted, but I gave in to the temptation. I am choosing to have this addiction because I LOVE coffee so much and it makes me happy. I said that once at Barnes & Noble to a barista, and I guess Donald (Donaldo), another barista, had just said the exact same thing. COFFEE=HAPPY. I want to get a tattoo of a stack of books with a coffee cup on the top. I also want a leaf tattoo. I thought about getting three leaves on the back of my neck. And I want to get my lip pierced. All of this takes money. And right now we are trying to pay off credit cards, so the tattoos will have to wait. I am very excited for Christmas. I really enjoy seeing family and spending time with them. I don't always agree with what they say, but I really enjoy talking with people about their lives. I got my new microwave installed toady. I am SO excited to use it! Carrera doesn't nap very much. She is a very happy baby, but doesn't sleep well with noise. I got to go out for coffee last night. It was good to get away, but I didn't feel like I had much to journal about. I feel like I am really boring right now, but I don't care like I used to. It is okay to go through boring phases of life. I'll let you know when this boring phase is over. In the mean time I will be babbling about every day life.