Sunday, April 29, 2007

Kanga and Roo

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Shane Works Late

9:00 p.m.; kids in bed; tons to do as always!! I really enjoy it when Shane has to work late. I can put the kids to bed and get tons done. My empty daycare slot is still empty, but on the up side, tomorrow is my last day that I have kids until 6:30 p.m., other than my own. I signed up for some Community Ed. classes this summer, and this nice weather is invigorating! We cleaned out the garage and I am almost ready for my garage sale. I will have it in June after school lets out so I can find some helpers (my niece and my mom). I didn't have any daycare kids today so this morning I went out and enjoyed coffee alone. Then Shane, I and the kids went to MacDonald's for lunch and Target. The boys got their first bike helmets. Carrera stood up next to the laundry basket today. I swear that girl will be walking before she crawls. She hates being on her tummy and loves to stand. I picked up the new Einstein biography and can't wait to start reading it this weekend. I'll let you know how it is.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Empty Slot

So, my filled slot is empty again. I had an interview last Wednesday with a couple who have an 11 week old boy. They called me on Thursday and said that they wanted my open spot. Then on Friday I had an interview with another couple who have a three month old girl. They also wanted my open slot. Well I felt more connection with the second couple and had reservations about the first, so I called the boy's parents and told them that I had someone else that was interested that would work out better with my schedule (which is true). Then on Monday I got a call from the baby girl's parents saying that their daycare lady had gotten back together with her boyfriend and was not going to quit doing daycare so they are going to continue to go to her. I found it funny because I'm not sure I would trust someone to not split up again and quit doing daycare at a later date. Well, as they say, bygones... So, I am back to square one. As of Monday I will be one child short and a little tighter on the finances. I also will be done by 3:30 p.m. every day and I am so excited!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Shane just left on a motorcycle ride and I have a million things I want to get done today. I have been doing some Spring cleaning and de-cluttering in our house. It is amazing with three kids how the house shrinks and we are running out of space to keep stuff.

I have a new daycare infant starting in a few weeks. I am very excited to fill my open slot. I really like the parents and think that they and their baby will be a good match for our daycare. I feel like everything is falling into place once again! It is amazing how we stress out over things that we can't control and they always work out in the end.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

April Update

Wow, so much has happened in the last few weeks.

First, I decided to change my daycare hours. I am currently working 5:30 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. and it is starting to burn me out. So I am trying to be done by 3:30 p.m. This only affects one child in my care, so I'll have one opening starting on April 23rd. Another child switched temporarily to part time, so I am a little concerned about filling my extra opening for budget reasons. This should be a great change though, especially with summer approaching. It also will allow me to start taking night classes at SCSU in the fall.

My second big news is sad. We found out a couple of weeks ago that my dad has stage two cancer (lymphoma). They first found it in his testicle and then in two of his lymph nodes. He started chemo last Wednesday and will be having six treatments. My parents' 40th wedding anniversary is coming up in June. We hope that he is feeling good enough for us to throw them a party.

All else is going well. My sister, Deb, is in town for a week before she heads to Pennsylvania to start a new chapter in her life (she has been living in CA for the last couple of years). I am excited to spend some time with her. My sister, Mary, will be having a baby any day now. So, there are lots of changes for all of us.

I hope you all had a good Easter and celebrated the return of Spring with those you love.

My Babies - April 07

Carrera Jade.

Calvin & Colton.